Quantum Leap 2K25

Last date to register into an event :  28.03.2025

Click here to download INFORMATION BROCHURE


Rs 100/- per author per event

Rs 150/- for team at CodeClash





1) Machine Learning

2) Artificial Intelligence

3) Internet of Things

4) Generative AI

5) Cloud computing

6) Deep learning

7) Cyber security

8) Quantum Computing



2) Embedded Systems

3) Signal Processing
4) Telecommunications


1) Renewable energy

2) Energy saving technologies

3) Nano technologies

4) AI & IOT in power sector

5) Electrical Hybrid vehicles

6) Wireless power transmission

7) Battery Technologies

8) Flexible AC transmission system

Submission Guidelines:

1) Abstract must contain central research question and research design along with the proposed title and keywords (not more than 250 words).

2) Number of team members should not exceed two

3) All manuscripts must be original works of the authors. Plagiarized content beyond 15%  will not be eligible for publication.

4) Time Duration for Paper Presentation: 15 minutes in total, i.e., 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions & answers, and comments. 

Formatting Guidelines: -

Body: Font – Times New Roman, Font size- 12, Line spacing- 1.5, Alignment- Justified. –

Footnotes: Font – Times New Roman, Font size- 10, Line spacing- 1, Alignment- Justified.

Submission Process:

To submit your manuscripts for the Paper presentation, please  follow the guidelines below:

1. Save your manuscript in .doc/.docx format using Microsoft Office 2007 or a newer version.

2. Send your manuscript as an email attachment to quantumleap2k25snti@gmail.com

3. Use "Submission—Paper presentation" as the subject line of your email.

4. Make sure to send your manuscript only to the specified email address mentioned above.


Last date to register :  28.03.2025

All abstracts in the prescribed format   should reach the mentioned email id on or before 31/03/2025.

Date of acceptance: 04.04.2025


1) Poster should be 3ft(W)X4ft(L)

2) Posters should include text and graphics and use color to add emphasis and clarity.

3) Illustrations should be simple and bold, and photos should clearly show pertinent details.

4) Displayed materials should be self-explanatory and should enhance the verbal presentation and discussion.

5) Speak clearly and loud enough for observers to hear you.


INNOVATEX is an idea pitching competition

Download template : Click here 

The focus is on generating ideas and concepts that can be further developed into actual products or solutions. 


Circuit design is the process of creating electrical circuits that perform a specific function or task. It involves planning, designing, and arranging the components of a circuit, such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, and other electronic parts, to achieve a desired outcome (e.g., amplifying signals, controlling power, or processing information). 



A project expo is an event where individuals or groups display the projects they have worked on, often as part of an academic course, competition, or research initiative. This can include working prototypes, models, or presentations demonstrating the project’s design, functionality, or research results. Participants in a project expo have the opportunity to showcase their work to an audience, often with judges who assess the quality, creativity, and impact of the projects. 



A technical quiz is a type of quiz or competition that focuses on testing participants' knowledge and understanding of technical topics, which may include areas such as engineering, computer science, information technology, electronics, mechanics, programming, and other specialized fields. The questions in a technical quiz typically involve concepts, theories, practical applications, and problem-solving skills related to these areas. 


CODE CLASH (Hackathon for CSE): The Code Clash (CC) is a dynamic team-based competition that pushes participants to demonstrate confidence, problem-solving abilities, and presentation skills. Participants will tackle challenges provided by their opponents and the Judges in fast-paced rounds. 


  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork.  

  • Test problem-solving abilities using resources like AI, GitHub, and other tools.  

  • Develop presentation and decision-making skills under time constraints. 

  • Team Formation

  • Guidelines for Teams:

  • o    Each team must consist of 2 to 3 members.

    o    A total of 20 teams (example) will participate.

    o    Teams will be identified by numbers (e.g., Team 1, Team 2, etc.).