Dr. Paduru Venugopal Reddy after completing his M. Sc., and
Ph.D from Osmania University, joined the same University during 1984.
Subsequently he was promoted as a Professor Physics during 1998. In 2002,
he was made Principal, P.G. College of Science, Saifabad and served in this position
for 3years. During 2006, he was appointed as Director, Alumni Association of
Osmania University and successfully completed four years term in 2010. Finally,
Prof. Reddy superannuated from the University services in 2009, after
completing 11 years as a Professor.
After superannuating from Osmania University, Prof. Reddy joined
a reputed private engineering college, VidyaJyothi Institute of Technology, as
a Professor of Physics and Principal. Subsequently, he was made Director of the
college and continued to occupy the position for eight years. At present he is
acting as Dean Exams. in the same college. Apart from his administrative
responsibilities, Prof. Reddy is also supervising the Ph.D., work of three
research scholars. During his 12 years period of stay in this college, he has
not only completed a pending DST project sanctioned to him at Osmania
University but also completed two more research projects (Rs 51.00 & 52
Lakh) sponsored by DRDO. His research fields include ferrites,
metallic glasses, High Tc superconductors, Dilute Magnetic
Semiconductors, Manganites, Mutiferroics, shape memory compounds, Abintio
computational work etc.,
the career of Prof. Reddy, spread over a more than 40 years, he has
completed 15 research projects sponsored by UGC, DST, DRDO etc., and 18
students were awarded with Ph. Ds under his supervision. The work of another
two students is in an advanced stage of completion. Further, based on the
work done by him along with his group of students, he has published more than
200 research papers in International & peer reviewed Journals of
repute. His work also yielded three patents. Prof. Reddy not only
participated in more than 50 national 15 International conferences in India
abroad. To present his work, he has visited USA, China, Japan, Italy, France,
U.K, Australia, and Malaysia. He was also acting as a visiting Professor at
University of Maryland at Baltimore County, USA, University of Technology,
Mara, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, Shangai University, Shangai, China. In addition to
acting as a Ph.D., thesis adjudicator of several Universities, he has also been
acting as a Referee for several International Journals.
Prof. Reddy was elected as a Fellow of Ultrasonic
Society of India in 2001 and as a Fellow of A.P. Academy of Sciences in 2007.
Subsequently, in 2016 Prof. Reddy also became a founder member of Telangana
Academy of Sciences. He is also a distinguished Life Member of Materials
Research Society of India and a Life Member of Indian Science Congress. Among
several other achievements, he has authored 4 books and is currently acting as
an Editor of Science Letters Journal (Published by Cognizure). He has acted as
a UGC - SAP advisory committee member of the Dept. of Physics, Kakatiya
University, Warangal and also as a foreign expert member of the selection
committee to select Professors of Physics of University of Putra